Determined by Royal Decree 229/2008 of 15 February, BOE 25/02/2008, these are:
To observe and analyse, at national level, the evolution of the productive sectors, in order to adapt the training offer to the needs of the labour market.
Collaborate with the National Institute of Qualifications in updating the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications.
Experiment with training innovation actions linked to the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications to validate their suitability and, where appropriate, develop contents, methodologies and didactic materials to propose their updating.
Collaborate and, where appropriate, carry out the necessary studies to draw up certificates of professionalism, as well as participate in the implementation, custody, maintenance and updating of their assessment tests.
Study the suitability of facilities, equipment and teaching resources, develop training organisation and management techniques and propose the application of quality criteria, indicators and mechanisms for training centres and entities.
Collaborate with the most representative employers’ and trade union organisations, as well as with the Joint Commissions set up under state-level sectoral collective bargaining.
Establish collaborative links, including the management of virtual networks, with regional qualifications institutes and agencies, universities, technology and research centres, Integrated Vocational Training Centres, companies and other entities, to promote research, innovation and development in vocational training, as well as to observe and analyse the evolution of the scientific and technological bases related to training processes or to the sector of reference.
PParticipate in international programmes and initiatives in its field of action.
Contribute to the design and development of technical and methodological improvement plans aimed at teaching or training staff, experts and professional counsellors, as well as assessors involved in professional competence recognition processes.
To collaborate in the procedure of evaluation and accreditation of professional competences, in accordance with the development of article 8 of the Organic Law 5/2002, of 19 June, on Qualifications and Vocational Training.
Perform any other similar functions assigned to them related to the purposes of this CRN de Ganadería.