Antonio José Hernández Copé

CRN Livestock director

I am pleased to present the National Livestock Reference Center linked to CIFEA de Lorca , popularly known in the environment as «La Granja», a Center with more than 106 years of history dedicated to the training of professionals in agricultural sector since 1913.

Through Royal Decree 871/2015, of October 2, BOE of 10/13/2015, the CRN is constituted in the area of Livestock of the Agrarian professional family in the field of vocational training, in accordance with the provisions of the Collaboration agreement between the State Public Employment Service, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports and the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, signed on November 17, 2014, BOE 06/03/2015.

« facilitate more competitive vocational training
and respond to changes in demand «

The main task of this Center is to facilitate a more competitive professional training and respond to changes in the demand for qualification in the productive sectors, so we intend to be a guiding reference for the productive and educational sector in terms of vocational training in the field of livestock, so that they serve as a reference to the whole of the National System of Qualifications and Professional Training.

Finally, indicate that we have a vocation for service, so all our efforts are aimed at promoting, through training, the development of the livestock sector in Spain.